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Social media is quite a broad term, covering quite a few different topics. However, a simple explanation is that social media platforms are web-based tools that allow users to connect, interact, and create, share and consume content. Through apps on smartphones, laptops, tablets, and PCs, social media enables us to build online relationships and exchange media.

Again, this isn’t an easy one to answer. Some suggest that the Usenet, a precursor to internet forums, kicked off social media in 1979. Others argue that the first true social media site as we understand it today was Six Degrees. This 1997 website allowed users to create a profile, make friends, and share messages. For current platforms, LinkedIn and Facebook, two of the oldest sites still around, launched in 2002 and 2004, respectively.

As we explored in our post on the top 10 social media apps, this is a hard question to answer. There are so many metrics we could use, particularly given the ways different countries approach social media. However, based on the number of users worldwide, Facebook, YouTube, and WhatsApp make up the top three sites.

Social media has gone beyond just connecting with friends. It’s now an industry in itself, used for all kinds of purposes. Social platforms are a key part of digital marketing, as they can be used to communicate brand news and messaging. People also use them for business networking. Even fields like healthcare can make use of social media.

Sadly, we can’t answer this for everyone. However, there are some questions to ask yourself before you decide. What is it you’re hoping to get from social media? What information do you want to share? Which site, if any, is right for you?

- Social media can help you connect with others, learn about new topics, find help on certain issues, and raise awareness for worthy causes. Yet it can take up your time, risk your privacy, and have consequences for your wellbeing. You need to find balance between all of these factors if you’re considering setting up an account.

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